Our Objectives

In order to fulfill our vision and mission, Elsa McLeod Kindergarten strives to achieve the following key objectives:

In relation to the children, we will:
act in the best interests of all children
create and maintain safe, healthy, inclusive environments that support children’s agency and enhance their learning
provide a meaningful curriculum to enrich children’s learning, balancing child and educator initiated experiences
understand and be able to explain to others how play and leisure enhance children’s learning, development and wellbeing
ensure childhood is a time for being in the here and now and not solely about preparation for the future
collaborate with children as global citizens in learning about our shared responsibilities to the environment and humanity
value the relationship between children and their families and enhance these relationships through my practice
ensure that children are not discriminated against on the basis of gender, sexuality, age, ability, economic status, family structure, lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, language, culture, or national origin
negotiate children’s participation in research, by taking into account their safety, privacy, levels of fatigue and interest
respect children as capable learners by including their perspectives in teaching, learning and assessment
safeguard the security of information and documentation about children, particularly when shared on digital platforms.

In relation to families, we will:
support families as children’s first and most important teacher and respect their right to make decisions about their children
listen to and learn with families and engage in shared decision making, planning and assessment practices in relation to children’s learning, development and wellbeing
develop respectful relationships based on open communication with the aim of encouraging families’ engagement and to build a strong sense of belonging
learn about, respect and respond to the uniqueness of each family, their circumstances, culture, family structure, customs, language, beliefs and kinship systems
respect families’ right to privacy and maintain confidentiality.

In relation to community, we will:
learn about local community contexts and aspirations in order to create responsive programs to enhance children’s learning, development and wellbeing
collaborate with people, services and agencies to develop shared understandings and actions that support children and families
use research and practice-based evidence to advocate for a society where all children have access to quality education and care
promote the value of children’s contribution as citizens to the development of strong communities
work to promote increased appreciation of the importance of childhood including how children learn and develop, in order to inform programs and systems of assessment that benefit children
advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies that promote the rights and best interests of children and families.
In relation to colleagues, we will:
encourage others to adopt and act in accordance with this Code, and take action in the presence of unethical behaviours
build a spirit of collegiality and professionalism through collaborative relationships based on trust, respect and honesty
acknowledge and support the diverse strengths and experiences of colleagues in order to build shared professional knowledge, understanding and skills
use constructive processes to address differences of opinion in order to negotiate shared perspectives and actions
participate in a ‘lively culture of professional inquiry’ to support continuous improvement
implement strategies that support and mentor colleagues to make positive contributions to the profession
maintain ethical relationships in my online interactions.

In relation to the profession, we will:
base our work on research, theories, content knowledge, practice evidence and our understanding of the children and families with whom we work
take responsibility for articulating our professional values, knowledge and practice and the positive contribution our profession makes to society
engage in critical reflection, ongoing professional learning and support research that builds our knowledge and that of the profession
work within the scope of our professional role and avoid misrepresentation of our professional competence and qualifications
encourage qualities and practices of ethical leadership within the profession
model quality practice and provide constructive feedback and assessment for students as aspiring professionals
mentor new graduates by supporting their induction into the profession
advocate for our profession and the provision of quality education and care.
SOURCE: Code of Ethics, Early Childhood Australia, 2016